doctor in coat and nurse in scrubs with clipboard

Health News

Information related to health, medicine, COVID-19 and other diseases impacting the U.S.

COVID-19 Updates (Coronavirus Disease)

November 7, 2023

COVID-19 Updates (Coronavirus Disease)

November 7, 2023

COVID-19 Updates (Coronavirus Disease)

November 7, 2023


November 7, 2023


November 7, 2023


November 7, 2023

October 3, 2023

To All Residents, POAs and Responsible Parties,
There have been many questions regarding our mask mandate that took effect yesterday.

This is home to our residents and our job is to care for them and provide for them while keeping them as safe as we can as their caregivers. And no matter what job an individual has at SARC, we are all caregivers in some way. While outside of SARC, the world continues with some wearing masks all the time and others never wearing a mask. This is an individual choice. The general population (including all of us) are going about their routines, which means they are in contact with many different people throughout their daily lives. Because of the rise in cases and out of caution for the respiratory season that is upon us, we must make sure we are doing everything we can to keep everyone safe while here

This may change at any time depending on CDC and DOH guidelines

We are listening to concerns regarding masking everywhere in our main building and we are reevaluating our masking mandate. Effective tomorrow, Wednesday, October 4 – visitors must wear a mask when in any clinical area including both skilled units, both personal care units and therapy. Visitors may choose to remove their mask in the room while visiting but in any common area on the units or when with a resident off the unit, they must wear a mask.
And as always, we have KN95 masks available.

Also, if you have cold symptoms, have been exposed in the last 10 days or have had COVID in the last 10 days, we prefer you not to visit. If you do visit, please wear a mask at all times while in the main building for the duration of symptoms even with a negative respiratory test or for a full 10 days from exposure or having COVID.
If you have any questions, please reach out to a team member.

Thank you,
Members of the SARC COVID and Senior Management Teams